Join the waiting list for:
Turkey Hunting
Clinic/Hunt:Youth who have not harvested a turkey
Registration is Closed   Waiting list available


Meeting on: Located at:
Start Time End Time
Kirchman Red Barn
13636 County Road 81
Kahoka, MO 63445
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Additional Information: Instructed by:
This spring turkey hunt is for seven (7) youth hunters (under the age of 16) who have never harvested a turkey. This hunt is a partnership event hosted by Missouri Disabled Sportsmen, the Kenneth Kirchman Foundation, and the Missouri Department of Conservation. The event is intended to be a complete “how to” turkey hunt for the youth and their families and hunters will be provided everything needed to particpate in the hunt. The Kenneth Kirchman Foundation will provide access to property and the educational venue, and the Department of Conservation will lead the educational clinic portion. Missouri Disabled Sportsmen will provide experienced mentors, enclosed blinds, and decoys for each hunter to use during the hunt. The selected participants will be contacted 3-weeks in advance of the hunt about their inclusion. Applicants who are not selected will be placed on the waitlist in the event of a cancelation. Jacob Williams

Cancellation Policies:

You must cancel your registration before Friday, April 11, 2025 - Saturday, April 12, 2025.

Age Policy:

All registrants for this event must be between 7 and 15 years of age by 4/11/2025.