Special Event
Bug Blitz!
Registration is not required.


Meeting on: Located at:
Start Time End Time
Runge Conservation Nature Center
330 Commerce Dr.
Jefferson City, MO 65109
(573) 526-5544
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Additional Information: Instructed by:
Are you alive? Thank a bug! As predators, prey, food sources (yes—even for people), pollinators of our food crops, drivers of nearly all food chains, scavengers, and decomposers—bugs rule the world! Come to our Bug Blitz and explore and celebrate the world of interesting insects. This is a come-and-go event so stop by any time from 4 to 10:30 pm. All events will be outdoors, weather permitting. Daytime activities include guided habitat explorations to catch bugs, learning stations on how to identify insects (are all bugs insects?), and insect challenges for prizes and a drawing. At night, we’ll set up our blacklight, set out moth bait, and observe fireflies and other nighttime insects. We'll also have crafts, popcorn, and lemonade! It's a Bug Blitz Blowout so fly in and join us! No registration required. All ages Kevin Lohraff